Friday 17 April 2015


What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Presentational devices used

The presentational devices used on my blog were used mostly to explain our opening and the research that went into it in the best way possible. The devices used included Youtube clips, Powerpoints, mind-maps, storyboards, drawings and, the most new to me, Prezis. Prezis were difficult at first to use however after experimenting with them, using various templates and even making my own, I quickly realised that they were an effective way of presenting certain pieces of work such as the genres of thrillers. There were a few areas I was unsure about. Firstly I found it difficult to insert a powerpoint into a blogpost, and so screenshot each slide and placed them in as I would photos-this could be something to improve upon next time. The other things I felt would be too difficult to approach and include throughout my blog was an audio commentary and a piece to camera. This is because I find it not as effective to explain a concept without the use of a visual aspect such as pictures or videos. This is another thing that I could experiment with next time. 

Technology really helped with research, being able to use Youtube videos and photographs to explain ideas was extremely useful, and allowed me to find out information on films and concepts that I wasn't aware of before. The technology used in planning was equally useful in both helping to scout our location using our mobile phone and DSLR cameras and in experimenting with various and slightly more difficult shots. 

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