Tuesday 7 April 2015


Who would be your audience for your media product?

The most obvious primary audience for our thriller opening will be a teen/young adult age, from 16 to 20s. 
Gender: //
Ethnicity: //
Sexuality: //

The media texts that may engage our target audience is hard to gauge as although the age range is small,people have varying tastes and therefore although a certain age range may enjoy our film more than another, it is fairly difficult to place the audience into specific likes and dislikes. Considering this I have tried to find pieces I enjoy and also ones that both fit our film and the idea of young people creating independent media. 


Some films that may have been reflected in our film, as mentioned before are 'The Shining' or 'The Zodiac' however i feel our film also reflected themes from slightly more independent films and not always thrillers.

Wes Anderson

Wes Anderson's films are often seen as independent films using odd themes and creative plot lines/scenery in order to create slightly bizarre films and keeping the 'independent' label despite their success. Each film presents a completely different plot although often the films will use the same camerawork or mise-en-scene giving a distinct look that is easily recognisable as Wes Anderson's work.
Our target audience may have an interest in his work as our opening is also an independent thriller with unusual plot points and interesting turns. 



With our target audience being a teen/young adult, the TV programmes that would most suit our audience would fit the age group as well as fitting the thriller genre. 

American Horror Story:

American Horror Story is a thriller series targeted mainly at a younger teen audience. The series contains a complex plot line and features a distorted and confusing nature, giving the series an independent feel whilst keeping the mainstream title. 
The series would fit our target audience perfectly as not only does it match our choice of films for intertextuality in terms of mise-en-scene and story, but also gives an the independent unusual stance on TV. 
(Photo above taken from AHS website)

The X Files:

The X Files is a series based on two investigators of alien activity, targeting people of all ages and also presenting a thriller and slightly sci-fi sub genre. The TV series presents an unusual crime thriller, with the theme of extra terrestrials the series has a theme that not many other series have. This unusual nature creates again an independent genre but also fits with mainstream TV. The unusual characters and plot also enhances the arthouse feel, giving a perfect platform for our target audience of independent film enthusiasts. 
(Photo taken from Xfileswiki.com)


                       Little white lies 

Little white lies magazine is a film review magazine, reviewing both mainstream and more independent films and includes interviews from celebrities in film and music along with articles about varying media topics. The Magazine also features interesting cover art by varying old and new upcoming artists appealing to the younger generation and fitting our independent arthouse genre.

(layouts of Little White Lies taken from their website)

Little White lies also has a website featuring articles from the magazines and video interviews with both upcoming celebrities i.e musicians, artists or filmmakers and also more familiar directors or actors. 

This magazine would fit our target audience perfectly as, as seen above, the magazine often features films that are of the independent genre; 'The Life Aquatic', 'The Darjeeling Limited' and 'Submarine' are all considered arthouse films that appeal to many especially young audiences due to their different and unique style. 

Bullett magazine mainly features popular culture; music, art and design, film and fashion. The magazine has a huge following of young adults and teens through including modern culture and providing provocative articles.  This mainstream magazine produces articles on both mainstream media such as popular films or music, and also slightly more independent media with art from varying artists old and new. The magazine being specifically targeted towards a young adult audience fits our thriller openings target audience of 16-20s perfectly. The magazine also targets all social groups with no specific gender or sexuality being targeted, this is reflected of our film as we didn't feel it necessary to target specific social groups. (taken from Bullett.com)

Both magazines show upcoming young creators and specifically target these with various articles on differing subjects throughout media and therefore because of this lack of a specific target audience, within the young adult age range, the magazines fit our fairly general target audience of between the age range of 16-20s perfectly. 


Many newspapers such as The Guardian and The I both feature reviews within media; arts, drama/theatre, film and writing and feature more cultural articles such as within The Guardians Art and Design section. Both newspapers do not necessarily target our age range however they offer varying new and upcoming ideas within the media and create a newspaper that may interest a younger adult audience. 

(The I//The Guardian culture section)

The I also has a 'student' section on their website, with articles and news from different universities and promoting activities/opportunities for students. 


Finding specific artists or even genres of music that our target audience would enjoy was fairly difficult as, obviously people have varying tastes, however there are a few genres/artists that many people of our target age range enjoy.  
Although it is hard to say I would expect our audience to enjoy fairly mainstream music rather than, for example, heavy metal. This may be as from the TV, magazines and film choice I have made for our target audience, mainstream or music along the alternative side would be slightly more fitting. 

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