Wednesday 18 March 2015

Rough cut

There a few pieces missing from our rough cut that need to be uploaded to our final piece. Firstly the first few shots of our character have been taken out due to the framing, making the film look unprofessional. 
We have re-shot these scenes so that the framing is is much better and added a few more shots, one of the bus stopping to clearly show that our character has moved from the bus to our location, and one of a full body shot showing all of her and making it clear that the character in the next few shots is the same person. 
Secondly both the non-diegetic and diegetic sound is choppy and inconsistent throughout. This will have to be re-uploaded after editing the sound clip, adding in cross-fading in and out, to allow for it to not seem so abrupt and obvious. 
Thirdly, the titles have been started however not all of them have been added and in this version, they are inconsistent in terms of font size and movement and this will need to be fixed.
Another major problem with the rough cut is that after uploading it to Youtube, we realised that the film was shaky, with slightly different transitions to the ones we had made on Premier Pro, this may have been due to the way we had rendered our video-this will be something we need to remember when uploading our final piece to ensure it doesn't happen again. 

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