Monday 9 March 2015

Re-shooting parts of our film // looking over the sound

After we had edited our rough-cut, we realised that there were a few  faults in our work. In the scenes that were shot on the bus, our characters shoulders were our of shot, cutting her at the shoulders and making the framing seem unprofessional. Another problem we encountered was that our character seemed to jump from the bus, to the location without explanation- we have attempted to solve this by shooting her pressing the stop button although we are planning to also shoot the outside of the bus coming to a halt so that it is explicitly clear that she has got off the bus and moved to our location. We have also now shot a few of the antagonists point of view shots to make it clear that our protagonist is being followed throughout, and to hopefully build up further tension. 

The soundtrack for our film was an ambient and suspenseful track, although after looking over our footage we have realised that in the beginning it doesn't quite match the atmosphere. The music seemed to be slightly too tense for the first few shots, the story follows a young woman mourning her friend- and at this point the track did not fit this. Throughout the piece the soundtrack also seemed to resemble a horror film soundtrack rather than a thriller, and didn't fit with the slow building tension we were aiming for. As a result we have decided to add various tracks to our film, one of a melancholic sound- to match the first section-  and the next a slower track that increases tension as it progresses. 
After re-looking at the sound we have managed to keep our original soundtrack 'suspenseful ambient', in keeping the track at a low volume throughout the piece it creates, rather than the horror style music it resembled before, a slow paced and tension building sound. Through the soft, slightly muffled noise under the diegetic sound of the bus and nature, it creates an eerie yet intriguing piece we felt perfectly fit our thriller opening. 
We are also using various other non-diegetic sounds, such as our news report sound clip to keep the audience from becoming distracted by the soundtrack and focus attention back to the film. We felt that, from looking at successful thriller films, the soundtrack often goes unnoticed whilst simultaneously adding an eerie suspense, which we wanted to recreate.   

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